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Pastor Rodney Gupton, Senior Community Chaplain, CEO has served as a Senior Community Chaplain in the Calwa District, 93725 area for five (5) years, an Associate Chaplain and mentor at the Juvenile Justice Campus (JJC) for over fifteen (15) years, .  Over the years, Pastor Gupton have seen much difficulty amongst the at-risk youth in the Calwa District, from activities such as gang violence, and vandalism of churches and businesses, fights and territorial issues, resulting in consistent visits to JJC in which some have resulted in suicide and even death.  This continuing cycle must stop.  Together, we can make a tremendous difference as a community, one youth at a time.  

“I believe that what a person endures in life, a vision is slowly being birthed in you; and in that time, it is preparing you for the next journey.  When you step out, all that you experienced goes with you bringing boldness, fearlessness, and confidence and in God, you can step out.  It does not matter how big you go out, just you go out in faith and do it.  There are times in which we, as a people endure trials and tribulations alone; however, it is through the trials that we are made stronger.  I know that God has called me to this journey and for that I am grateful to God.”   ~ Pastor Rodney Gupton